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Watch and Pray

Alafia Oni

I have lived my life many years serving God and being a good christian without ever asking God for material things at all rather than becoming like Him. Born in a Pastor's home, I met God personally, had genuine encounters up until whom to marry. Things went well closing my days praying and studying the scriptures, same things to start my each day. Not knowing that the enemy was waiting to deal with me with child birth and my business.

I suffered setbacks and travailed for many years until few years back when the Lord opened my eyes to see that curses are real and Christians can still live under generational curses and spells in the family lineage. Also prayer is never one-dose-works-for-all. You must be specific as well as being watchful. Many believers suffer affliction in one area of life or the other simply because we fail to first watch before we pray. Take time to study trends in the family, recurrences, patterns of life and vices deep rooted in our lineage before you pray.

Yes Jesus destroyed all curses on the cross so that we can be free forever, only if we watch well before praying. Please take some time off to pray this which could be the only thing more you need to do to pray specifically and efficiently. God told the children of Israel that He already gave them the land of Canaan but He won't drive the inhabitants out all at once but gradually less the beast filled the land and consume them. This is because He needs their devotion and attention to details in watching trends and living for God. This is what I am inspired to point your attention to.

Until I did this recently, my total life was in shambles. I just begin to recover all I have been deprived for years. Indeed, the Lord hears and sees yet man has the authority over all things even situations on Earth. Nothing will obey God's will over your life until you enforce it through prayers as you observe first. The effectual fervent prayer of the RIGHTEOUS makes tremendous power available.

Watch and pray!

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