Marriage is purposeful. And has significance in the kingdom of God on earth even to its illustration as the bond between Christ (bridegroom) and the church (bride). This bond is the perfect demonstration of giving away His life for the church. So marriage is a lifetime of sacrifice and giving away of all to keep the covenant.
Many people prepare for the wedding(an event) rather than a lifetime of committment. To prepare for a marriage specifically for the lady is to have a value system premised on God's will. First of all, to know what God wants in us is the foundation. Then to understand what God's will is for the union.
According to Genesis 2:18: And the Lord God said, “ It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Man already has an assignment from God that the woman must help in fulfilling. A clear idea of this assignment must be known through prayers to get ready for the man's proposal.
1. He must have a vision for his assignment.
And the Lord God said, “ It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). He must be able to leave everything dear to him to stay with you. In honor of God, he should understand that he is not better than you but needs you to achieve anything in life.
2. He must cherish you above anything as his body (same flesh and bone).
If indeed he understand that it takes two or three witness to establish every truth and a man is made up of a male and a female to, he will search for you. He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22).
3. He must come looking for his values in you.
What you are is what you attract. Like begets likes; your values in life determine the kind of man you attract. I must tell you every man looks for good value in a woman first before any physical attraction. So when you know or have an idea of God's assignment for both of you, your value in life will be built around that and he will locate them in you.
4. Bottom line, grow your relationship with God and become His favor and good thing that His son(your husband to-be) will locate.
5. Start now in living for God and pray about this everyday. The holy Spirit will lead you even teach you to look good physically for him.
Consider these tips and your marriage will be sealed with grace and peace forever, fulfilling purpose as much as enjoy bliss on earth. The source of a thing is also the sustainer. Let God lead you so He can keep what He initiates. Marriage is His institution and God alone can teach us by the scriptures.
Note that these are foundational. And marriage is to be enjoyed not to be endured.