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Alafiafunmi Oni

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’ ” (Matt. 5:8).1

Purity of heart is to will one thing.” In the context of this saying by Jesus, that one thing is a Person. It is God. In other words, the word “pure” means unmixed, unadulterated, undistorted, undivided, completely focused.

Here’s the point: you see only what you have in your heart. So if you want to see God, you have to have God in your heart and mind. Only those with a single-minded focus and passion to know God will be able to connect with God. It’s a heart that refuses to allow distractions to block a view of God. Seeking God is the number one priority and passion.

“Who may go up the LORD’s mountain? Who may stand in his holy place? ⌊The one who⌋ has clean hands and a pure heart and does not long for what is false or lie when he is under oath. ⌊This person⌋ will receive a blessing from the LORD and righteousness from God, his savior. This is the person who seeks him, who searches for the face of the God of Jacob. Selah”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24:3-6‬ ‭GW‬‬

1.Father help me to seek you diligently and require you as my greatest need in life.

2. Father if I have found favor in your sight, let seeking you and passion for you be my number one priority in JESUS Name.

3. Father if I have found favor I. Your sight: deliver me from daily distractions that block my view of you in JESUS Name.

4. Father give me an unending longing for your presence in Jesus' name.

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